Week Three

Sorry you all are getting last weeks post and this weeks post at the same time … my grandma passed on Thursday last and I was/am having a hard time. I needed to be/feel in control of things so we now have two gallon size bags of burritos and pancakes in the freezer as well as a baked ham which will be made into Stromboli’s and breakfast burritos. I love my husband for putting up with me and helping me when I decide this all needed to be done NOW. It turned out to be a good day to cook the ham though because we were predicted to have tropical storm Karen hit us and the weather was somewhat overcast and moderate that day. I digress…

We are improving! We are slowly getting back to our normal attitudes with less meltdowns, tempers and better reasoning and I may get up the gumption to wander out of the house this week!!! 😮

Some things we are getting used too…

  1. Grocery shopping – selection is limited, if you see it get it because it may not be there tomorrow
  2. Driving – wrong side of the road, narrow, horns honk, directions are odd with no street signs (I am the green house)
  3. Weather – always 80’s but with humidity can feel like 100’s… cannot wait to see the AC bill 😉
  4. Rolling power outages – since we are not living in campus housing we aren’t aware of when we are having a morning, afternoon or day without power

Overall it hasn’t been as tough as I thought adjusting. I enjoy being home with the kids and we’ve been doing a lot of baking together.

I got Oli to eat pancakes! Lol which for those of you who don’t know was not on his approved “will eat list.” Life has been slower for me but in a good way and it is kind of nice to not have a list of what you have to get done every day… just a list of when you can let’s do.

My goals for this week are… play outside more and finish the freezer meals. Off to make tortillas if the kids will stay asleep (otherwise it may end up being more cookies), wish me luck!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Lura and ken taylor

    OMGOODNESS😢❤️Sorry to hear about gramma! It’s always hard saying goodbye and especially hard when you are a long way from home😢❤️❤️
    I’m so glad you get to be home with the kiddos and are sharing so much time with them.. the pictures are great!
    Will be keeping you all in our prayers…🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

  2. Michele

    I’m so sorry about your grandma! Glad things are going well and everyone is adjusting! Be safe! You are missed. You wouldn’t believe the sh$% show here at work!!

  3. LonnieRae1

    Heart strings…sometimes tough to even have them. Holding space for you in my heart today.

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