Moving, Time Change and New Schedules

It’s been two weeks since we left home, a week and a half on the island and one large step towards our future. Not going to lie, some parts have not been easy but overall we have been very blessed to see God’s hand all throughout this journey.

We were blessed to be able to take over a fellow students house and car, which allows the kids to have their own space and the freedom to make noise, as well as the ability for us to make last minute trips to the store while we are adjusting. Because it IS an adjustment.

There are two main stores on the island Massy and Sunrise. So far Sunrise has been the one we prefer but the stores aren’t like they are in the states. Availability of items is limited but we have figured out that boats come in on Wednesdays so the best shopping days are Thursday and Friday. We’ve found formula that is only $2 more than Costco and a lady that sells huggies diapers for the same price as Costco! And we learned this last trip that we can buy milk by the case since our kids go through it like no one’s business. Now we are compiling a list of staples and the cheapest price we have found it for so that when we see something we can grab it while it is in stock.

The kids are seeming to finally adjust to the time change. YAY! And they are starting to act more like their usual selves, though we still aren’t back to normal behavior we are getting closer each day which is a blessing. It has been over a month of upheaval for them and the better behavior shows me they are starting to feel more secure.

I finally drove yesterday. It is weird driving on the wrong side of the road and I am not entirely comfortable but with time I may get used to the narrow roads, horn honking etiquette, and hairpin turns. 😬

I have my struggles. My grandma had a really bad stroke this past week and is not looking like she is going to make it. I am having a hard time with the decision to not go home but I have been able to video chat, though, I am unsure if she was aware. Ultimately she is in God’s hands and is surrounded by family who loves her even if I am physically not there.

I believe we are here for a reason and that this next year and a half will be huge growth years for me personally as well as our family. We appreciate the prayers and encouragement and the knowledge that we have a great community of friends and family back home whenever we need a good kick in the pants or the extra help 😄.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. MA

    You are always in our prayers.

  2. Lonnie Rae Smith

    Although I’m a late arrival to knowledge of your journey, I will follow your adventure and pray for provision and the oh so many details of your new direction. Thank you for sharing.

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