In November we found out that we were 12 weeks pregnant and in December we we excited to learn that Eric was accepted into medical school on the island of St Vincent and the Grenadines. WE MADE IT! As I am reflecting back it has been 9 months of goodbyes.

First an adios to purchases. Now I know this sounds weird but we had to consciously think about what we were legitimately able to keep and bring. We made do with less clothes because who is going to need pants when you are moving somewhere where it’s 80’s year round? We stopped with all the impulse and “the kids would love this” purchases. It is amazing how often we would buy things that would make life easier but weren’t necessary.

Next we said goodbye to our things. We cleaned out our closets and got ride of over half our toys. Surprisingly this didn’t hurt as much as we thought. Getting rid of the things we “will fit into agin” and the extras that we “may need” … you know the things you hold onto that get shoved into the back closet and boxes that you never go through and end up buying duplicates anyways because you cannot find it… yup that stuff.


We felt pretty good about our progress and were selling off the bigger items, like the car beds and other furniture. Then we sold the house. My poor poor husband. We did NOT let go of enough stuff. I was still working and he was moving everything out of the house. We spent the next two weeks pairing down more and still ended up leaving a mess for my in-laws.

BUT the hardest good byes by far were with our friends, family and church community. This seemed to sneak up on us and overwhelm us at the end. We were so focused on accomplishing getting things ready, having a baby and all the logistics of moving with 4 kids 4 and under than we didn’t have time to think about everyone we were leaving behind until we were leaving. Maybe that was a good thing and maybe it wasn’t but the last month has been emotionally rough on our family.
We just want to say thank you for being a part of our lives and know that your friendship and being there for us has meant the world to us.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Lura & ken taylor

    Will be keeping you in our prayers as you begin this next exciting journey into lands unknown❤️🙏🏻
    God Bless you one and all!
    Mr & Mrs Taylor (Genevieve’s mom &dad)

  2. Vicki Whisman

    Nice place Karen!! Are you settled in yet?

  3. Chelsea White

    You guys are truly blessed! I am so excited for you and this new chapter in tour lives. I wish nothing but the best for all of you, and look forward to living your adventures through your stories and pictures. You guys are making memories that one can only dream about.

  4. Valerie Scott

    We all miss you here, but are so excited for your new adventure. I will be following your blog and sharing pictures with the kids, who I know will love seeing all you are up to.

  5. Eileen Mirchel

    You are creating a new life Eric and Karen and following dreams! “Things” can always be replaced but investing in your future and your children is what life is about and you’re doing it!

    Hope to come visit when your settled because being an empty nester now, I can do just that!

    Love you all and am so proud of you for pursuing your dreams and making your lives better!

  6. M A

    That was a huge first step to the rest of your life together. God has blessed you’re family in so many ways. He wouldn’t lead you down this path unless He had a plan for your life. Trust in Him daily. We in-laws candeal with the bits left behind. It’s what we do it’s in the contract.

  7. Lea mosley

    Well I wish you all the luck in the world in your new environment. And I hope that Eric really enjoys his school and does well. I know you’re a wonderful mother Karen and I love you very much. Keep writing

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